Flexiblebenefits platform
for programs that increase employee motivation and incentivize sales partners.
Discover the flexible benefits for increasing your team's motivation with Sodexo & MyBenefits. You choose the loyalty strategy, they choose their benefits.

Incredibly fast. Remarkably precise. 100% efficient.

BenAI, the revolutionary solution for employees and HR specialists, offers quick and accurate responses with the aid of the GPT-4-based artificial intelligence. It provides coherent information and recommendations on tax laws, tax regulations, optimizing benefit budgets and the usage of our platform. Always available, capable to reduce response times and communication errors.
For your employees and sales partners, the MyBenefits platform will be as easy to use as a very popular social network.
For your company, it is also an employer branding tool, as it is customizable to your organization! !

Programs which increase employee motivation and rely on flexible benefits are always successful.

We think strategically, and customize the implementation of programs that increase the loyalty, productivity, retention, and satisfaction of your employees. With our version of flexible benefits, they can choose both a parachute jump and everything they see that their friends have (for example, health insurance, etc.)!
Programs to incentivize sales partners remain a continuous motivation source.

Discover the reason why the functionalities of the MyBenefits platform become the new standard in the implementation and follow-up of employee motivation and sales partner incentive programs.
Join us on a 30-minute know-how exchange and find out the customized implementation solutions we have for you!

Co-fondator MyBenefits.ro

Senior Service Delivery Manager

Design Director

Alina Gabriela
Project Manager

Co-fondator MyBenefits.ro
"La RebelDot, ne mândrim cu faptul că dezvoltăm comunități axate pe hobby-uri și interese (RebelClubs). MyBenefits ne-a permis să răspundem acestor interese variate oferind acces la beneficii precum carduri de călătorie pentru TravelClub, acces la librării pentru BookClub și multe altele."
Iulia Popa, Chief People Officer

"Am ales această variantă pentru implementarea programului nostru de beneficii de mai bine de un an, timp în care am avut o colaborare foarte bună cu echipa MyBenefits, care ne-a impresionat prin comunicarea excelentă, deschiderea și flexibilitatea de care au dat dovadă în acomodarea solicitărilor noastre specifice."
Carolina Roșu, HR Manager

"Apreciem foarte mult abordarea MyBenefits de a pune preferințele individuale pe primul loc, deoarece le oferă angajaților libertatea de a alege beneficiile pe care doresc să le acceseze. De la abonamente la sală până la planuri de pensii și chiar vouchere, oferta este foarte variată și poate satisface o gamă largă de nevoi."
Violeta Iancu, COO

"Platforma este ușor de utilizat și simplu de navigat, permițând personalizarea beneficiilor în funcție de interesele individuale și oferind libertatea și flexibilitatea de a cheltui bugetul alocat așa cum dorești, chiar și pentru hobby-uri și pensii private pentru investiții pe termen lung. În opinia mea, utilizarea platformei MyBenefits poate îmbunătăți experiența angajaților în ceea ce privește orice pachet de beneficii."
Sebastian Niculae, HR Manager

"Gestionarea beneficiilor este extrem de ușoară cu MyBenefits. Am observat reduceri de costuri datorită procesului simplificat, iar echipa de suport este întotdeauna disponibilă. Este remarcabil că angajații pot alege dintr-o gamă largă de beneficii."
Paul Aidimireanu, Administrator

The role played by flexible benefits and the MyBenefits platform for HR and marketing professionals in employee motivation and sales partner incentive programs.
How can the innovative technologies in loyalty, reward, and incentivization help you.
How interesting should the benefits be for those incentivized.
Free demo of the MyBenefits platform.

Your colleagues who will enjoy the benefits don’t have to be best buddies with technology to be able to use it. Technical skills are not really necessary when you are using our user-friendly platform.

A mixed team copes better with challenges. If you choose MyBenefits, you bring the diversity of your team even in the benefits, because you will be provided with a catalog created on the psycho-demographic profile of the employees.

HR professionals are our best friends, too. Not only of your employees. We have managed to create a strong friendship thanks to the simplified way of managing the platform.

It doesn’t matter which laptop, tablet, or smartphone the benefits platform will be accessed from. What matters is that it will be just as accessible for everyone and just as easy to use.

Your company’s website gets a new subdomain. It is the place where the entire team will be able to access the flexible benefits platform. Through the transfer of loyalty that is done entirely from employee to employer, without any third party being visible, the employer brand has only advantages.

All user data is protected. Their safety is guaranteed through the contract.
beneficiile voastre flexibile?
A gardening kit along with children for your colleagues who are parents. Mindfulness and personal development courses for those who want a fast evolution. Or the coolest parachute jump experience for millennials always looking for challenges.
That’s how flexible are flexible benefits on the MyBenefits.ro platform. What’s your colleagues’ profile?

Sales objectives are a challenge for every ambitious professional. Support their perseverance with programs implemented as customized as possible and their ambition will contribute to the success of your business.
MyBenefits.ro is a strong tool which makes everything much easier and more interactive for your programs.

Sales incentives given to distributors and resellers, loyalty programs for distribution channels and reward programs for partners contribute to a solid business-to-business relationship. MyBenefits.ro makes the fast implementation of such programs accessible to you, regardless of their complexity. You have access to information which shows you how attractive your programs are among those they are intended for.

Present on the Romanian technology scene for almost 10 years, iTrade Integrated Systems aims to offer efficient solutions and technologies both for the infrastructure of every company, and for the optimization of their processes.
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