Bucharest, September 29 th , 2022: More than 28,000 extra-salary benefits integrated into personalized schemes is what the partnership between the Romanian start-up MyBenefits – the loyalty and benefits platform for employees – and Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services (BRS) – the leader in the local extra-salary benefits market – offers to all employers and employees in Romania.

Thus, employees can select their benefits, online, depending on the budget allocated by the employer, and change them monthly.

Through this partnership, the two companies set out to become the main provider of flexible extra-salary benefits in Romania and bring an improved experience to both the end consumer and the employer.

MyBenefits is a digital platform through which the employer offers employees the freedom to choose benefits according to their needs.

The platform offers various products and services such as Sodexo benefits (meal, gift, cultural and tourist cards), medical insurance, subscriptions to medical clinics, private pensions, personal development and training, and wellbeing services. Among the providers included in the platform are: Regina Maria, MG Dental, MedLife, Mind Architect, Allianz Tiriac, eMag, and Decathlon. The offer is dynamic, as new service providers comply to the MyBenefits criteria, and the trends in terms of benefits are constantly being added.

„By partnering with MyBenefits, we aimed to align the interests of employers with those of employees regarding the flexibility of the benefits offered. Through the technology that is the basis of the digital platform we will offer the customer from now on, we transfer the decision from the employer to the employees, while keeping each company’s motivation strategy as an essential element in the platform set-up. Having recently signed a strategic partnership with a UK start-up to launch in Romania a tool based on technology, data, and neuroscience to measure employee happiness and engagement, we are happy to be able to innovate the employee-employer relationship with the help of a Romanian start-up, also. Our strategy consists in creating partnerships that are based on innovation, technology and value that take the wellbeing of employees and the success of companies to the next level”, says Manuel Fernandez Amezaga, CEO Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Romania&Bulgaria.

This partnership is the most important so far and validates the value and relevance of the work we have done in recent years in terms of developing the platform. Together with Sodexo BRS, we will certainly come to change the experience in the relationship with the employer for many employees in Romania. We started the development of the platform in 2016 together with Cristian Teodorescu, as a customer loyalty and incentive platform, and from 2019 we have also pivoted to the employee benefits area, because we realized that we can transfer the accumulated know-how to companies that use salary benefits to retain loyal employees or attract new talent. After many discussions with the HR departments of various companies I understood better that it is not only about the salary when you choose to stay at a job, and that loyalty has a major component of attachment. I believe that's what we have to offer our customers, with the help of the platform. The last three years have been about developing the product area and user experience in the platform. It is very important to us that every employee, whether they have technical training or not, can use with MyBenefits easily and select the benefits relevant to them", says Andrei Dumitrel, co-founder MyBenefits.

The benefits listed can be adapted and chosen together with the HR team of the respective company, depending on the profile of the employees and each company’s organizational culture.

The benefit packages were designed to satisfy the needs of all types of employees, regardless of age or experience, while increasing, at the same time, the degree of loyalty to the employer.

The interface of the platform is intuitive, and the enrollment of all teams in the platform can be done in a very short time, in 20 minutes, after completing the purchase formalities.

About MyBenefits

MyBenefits is a flexible benefits platform for programs that increase employee motivation and sales partner incentive programs, founded with 100% Romanian capital. The first implementation of the MyBenefits platform in a company took place in 2016, but the business experienced a complex development in 2019, when the flexible benefits for employees component was also launched. In recent years, MyBenefits has concluded partnerships with providers such as MindArchitect, Regina Maria, Sanador private health clinics, eMag and many others, in order to list the products and services offered by them according to the needs and profile of the employees who have access to the platform.

About Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services Romania

Sodexo BRS Romania is the leader of the local market of extra salary benefits, whose mission is to improve the quality of life for employees and is part of the Sodexo Group, a world leader in quality of life services. The company has been operating on the Romanian market for over 24 years, offering companies a complex range of employee benefits. More than 30,000 companies and 2 million employees already use Sodexo products.

The MyBenefits flexible benefits platform team would like to thank you for your confidence in our partnership where millions of employees can select their extra benefits online:

News Now: Milioane de români își vor putea alege beneficiile extrasalariale. Aproape 30.000 de produse și servicii, disponibile – NewsNow.ro

Economica: Milioane de români își vor putea alege beneficiile extrasalariale. Aproape 30.000 de produse și servicii, disponibile

Start Up: Sodexo încheie parteneriat cu startup-ul românesc MyBenefits pentru a deveni principalul furnizor de beneficii extra salariale flexibile din România

Revista Cariere: Parteneriat prin care angajaţii îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extrasalariale din peste 28.000 de produse şi servicii

libnet.ro: MyBenefits si Sodexo pun la bataie peste 28.000 de beneficiile extrasalariale pe care angajatii si le pot alege singuri

Wall-Street: MyBenefits și Sodexo pun la bătaie peste 28.000 de beneficiile extrasalariale pe care angajații și le pot alege singuri

Bugetul.ro: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale din peste 28.000 de produse şi servicii, în funcţie de bugetul alocat de angajator

News List: Milioane de români își vor putea alege beneficiile extrasalariale. Aproape 30.000 de produse și servicii, disponibile

Bursa: MyBenefits şi Sodexo Benefits vizează să devină principalul furnizor de beneficii extra salariale flexibile din România

Ziare Live: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale

Antena 3: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale

News List: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale

N Media: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale

Pe Scurt: MyBenefits şi Sodexo Benefits vizează să devină principalul furnizor de beneficii extra salariale flexibile din România

libnet.ro: MyBenefits si Sodexo Benefits vizeaza sa devina principalul furnizor de beneficii extra salariale flexibile din Romania

libnet.ro: MyBenefits si Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvolta un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajati isi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale

Centrul de Presa: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale

Astazi: MyBenefits si Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvolta un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajati isi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale

The News: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale

Ziar.com: MyBenefits şi Sodexo Benefits vizează să devină principalul furnizor de beneficii extra salariale flexibile din România

em360: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale din peste 28.000 de produse şi servicii, în funcţie de bugetul alocat de angajator

Business Review: MyBenefits and Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services are developing a partnership through which millions of employees can select their extra-salary benefits online

News Now: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale

Rador: Calendarul evenimentelor, 29 septembrie – selecțiuni

Suceava News: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale din peste 28.000 de produse şi servicii, în funcţie de bugetul alocat de angajator

Ziar.com: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale

Angajatorul Meu: Parteneriat MyBenefits-Sodexo BRS: milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extrasalariale din peste 28.000 de produse şi servicii

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Romania Pozitiva: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale din peste 28.000 de produse şi servicii, în funcţie de bugetul alocat de angajator

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Financial Intelligence: MyBenefits și Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services dezvoltă un parteneriat prin care milioane de angajaţi îşi pot selecta online beneficiile extra salariale din peste 28.000 de produse şi servicii, în funcţie de bugetul alocat de angajator


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